PREVIOUS PAGE…// As we have already said, an honest ruler will first try to tempt and deflect him, corrupt him. Then he will try to corrupt his ranks, infiltrate his platform of government, seeking people’s weaknesses until he reaches his major flat. If this does not work out, then you will be made to face other countries, whether with false flag attacks, real or fabricated provocations and arguments of all kinds. The only way to avoid this is that many countries at the same time achieve a state of true democracy and decide by common accord to the abolition of usury, that they declare themselves free of all “external debt” and that money, which is the main weapon of slavers, is issued exclusively by the State, and that banks are only of the State , that is, the people, authentic public services and not private companies. In a later step, it would be possible to abolish the use of money, but not to make a barter system from which the greedy, nor “credits”, much less virtual money, that would be as much or more dangerous than the cash will always be cut. Even if we use banknotes and different forms of “metallic”, money is already virtual and in addition, its creation implies debt, are zeros on computers, they do not have a true backing of material value.
In the old place there was a gold backing, but in 1971 that ceased to be valid. Money is simply debt, they are figures on computers, the greatest deception of all time and the instrument of world domination. So an Environmentalist country will be one that, as explained in the TEOS Plan, becomes independent of international banking, prohibits usury in any of its forms, nationalizes banks and finally, with some administrative steps of converting securities, enacts the abolition of money.
If that country has no powerful partners in the challenge, it will have difficult, but if a moderately self-sufficient alliance is formed in resources and technology, Humanity will have the opportunity to rid itself of its two greatest scourges: Money as an instrument of slavery and misery generated by the system. The maximum polarization that can be put into the conscience of all, is that our “do or not do”, will imply one of these results: Solidarity Civilization and Free or Slave Civilization. That’s where the “powerful” meet the sole of their shoes, because people and their rulers, if they understand it and act accordingly, will have put themselves above all false polarizations. Neither “right” nor “left”, nor those “centre” parties that are made to attract and deceive dissidents and those who realize the aberrantness of party polarization. This “controlled dissent” cannot occur in Ecologenia, because there are very clear guidelines and full coherence of Principles, although the form (some minor factors) may have variants in each country.
We could expose in depth the intricate mazes of international banking, how the financial system operates, but that would make us fill volumes that there is no time to write. Readers interested in learning about this maze full of traps can look for the wealth of information that exists on the Internet, but it’s better to make a path to bird’s eye view, simply analyzing the news and philosophizing a little bit about the intentions behind every game on the stock market, behind every banker pact, behind every “financial crisis” , etc., to realize that this civilization is subjected by its own greed and the greatest greedy have, in addition to that pathology, all the intelligence and disattention, lack of scruples and concrete will to execute its plans, on a world chess board on which we are all pieces, whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not.
A confused front has formed between the right and the left as supposed top political paradigms The right in the West is usually associated with the Catholic Church, while the left seems to be associated only with atheism; but this is a relative view, a cliché of the many used by slavers to confront the masses, because there is a very varied spectrum of trends, from ultra-left catholics to far-right atheists to all possible political-religious combinations. In reality, they are the two hands of the same inhumanity, two hands of the same ignorance placed on the mind of humanity and both dirty alike. There is no “doctrine of the left” or one on the right; only ambiguous and fuzzy definitions from agents of power who wrote their works very well paid for by banking. When it comes to inventing taxes and fines, twisting reality, subjecting peoples with absurd and changing laws are the same.
Oligarchies are associated with the right because it sustains the most radical moneycracy around the world. But socialists and communists around the world are equally enptive, even if they have more supportive ideals, fairer criteria, and more inclusive ideas. But aberrations such as the payment of subsidies to the sick, rather than investing in health, arise on the left, with a few having to pay countless so-called sick people. Solutions like these will continue to produce poor patches to real social problems, because the underlying problem is that they continue to use money, they continue to use the most arbitrary, artificial and diabolical value ever invented. They continue to make a conventional value managed in their high spheres by a few heartless replace, limit and distort all other values, whether artistic, intellectual, social, cultural, technological and ultimately, absorbs all human social energy. It is now the drug of the social body, without which it is not possible to maintain any activity, but at least it is urgent to eliminate the scourge that weighs above the money itself, which is usury, the use of money-debt to subdue the world.
There are rulers who suffer the powerlessness of not being able to abolish banking usury because of their international loneliness; if they did, they would immediately have the reaction of the springs of the sinarchy: attempts to provoke wars under or without pretexts. When a great number of people become aware of these things, leading them to have real rulers, instead of sinarchy puppets, there will be international solidarity alliances and change can be a reality. A Solidarity Civilization cannot have the money at most value and on top, in total lack when international financiers decide to create an “economic crisis”, to sell money to interest. A smart and free country cannot use any system that replaces the administration of services and goods by the State. But slavery has been imposing the idea that the Fatherlands are a thing of the past, as if it were an obsolete value and that their mere mention is associated with the words “dictatorship” and “tyranny”.
Humanity has believed that through capitalism he could have justice, allowing the most capable, more hard-working and intelligent, to progress on the bum, the idiot or the one with the least merit. But the sad reality is that in moneycracy only the most cunning ones are measured to the detriment of the most just; the most ruinous to the detriment of the whole society; the most chattering and demagogues, to the detriment of the peoples. The technical or scientific inventors who have been able to enrich themselves, have been those to whom sinarchy has endorsed and given credit because it suited the plans that they bring to hands from Constantine or even before. When the chains armed with the money are broken, there will be no lefts or rights. When you talk about it, those who shout social justice and are supposed to defend the worker are being shocked. When it comes to abolishing usury and agio, the “humanitarians” of “charities” remove the skin of lamb and draw their teeth from wolves. Some, perhaps, assume that this would be restricting resources to their task of lengthening agonies, but they cannot imagine that in a world where there is no scourge of usury, there would be no miseries to alleviate and talk about “social justice” will be something incomprehensible, as can be seen in Part Two. If we talk about seeking “social justice,” it’s because there’s social injustice. As long as there are rights and left, there will only be that and the slogans of the French Revolution will be a chimera.
Today there is a relentless confrontation between workers against employers, with trade unions – corrupt or not – in between. Right-wing governments manage well in developed countries, but they sell everything to multinationals in them and worse still happen in the undeveloped ones. Socialist governments finance vagrancy, putting work as a burden rather than an honor, avoiding school vocational orientation, promoting disease and paying hypochondria, but do not allow the practice of true medicine, which has an immense arsenal of techniques, leaving allopathy as an “alternative” more and not the best. Small businesses, local businesses, are mostly on the verge of disappearing. Unions are pressuring them for higher salaries, banks drowning them, and governments suck them up as a parasitic partner, more than a third of the profits. The old neighborhood warehouses disappear under the crushing weight of the large areas that at first launch interesting offers, but then prices do not fall, but more large monopolies of all merchandise are established, while the producer is sheared, subjecting it to few routes of marketing. But this is just one example of what happens in all areas of commercial and productive activity, with particular detriment to the worker.
In a Democratic, Ecologenic Society – quite the opposite of the money-buttoocratic with partitocracy – there will be no problems of companies and workers. When the whole nation is a company, all citizens are partners. Today’s trade unions will not be necessary, because there will be no social injustice to put that buffer on. However, trade unionists will not disappear, they will continue to fulfil their mission, but as safety and compliance watchers for both employers and workers, as moderators and arbitrators to generate improvements in all areas of production and services. They won’t have to “defend the worker” by facing the employer.
A lot of people will wonder, and what would my profession serve in such a civilization? Well, an accountant will have hard work, but no risk of bankruptcy and dismissal. There’s a long list of labor correspondences. The form of administration, as you will see later, is very different and each will work according to their vocation. No one will study to have a profession from which to earn money and live. It should be studied following a vocation, not a need for survival. No one with creative ideas will have to go into debt to put them into practice. No one was born to be a dissatisfly employee, supermarket cashier, or bank manager. The latter may be in an Ecologenic Society, be censors, regents, warehousemen, etc.. No one was born for war. All this is done by distortion of vocation, to earn money or to unleash instincts that should go through therapy or re-led to other activities.
Some military personnel are really by vocation, but it is the original, healthy military spirit that defends against external aggressions and attempts at enslavement by any of the slaver’s tactics. The soul soldier doesn’t enjoy a war as a simple assassin. Enjoy with exploration expeditions, with works of great importance where it is necessary to mobilize armies of workers. It feels fulfilled when it serves the people in the transport of strategic goods or when it saves lives during natural disasters or working on its forecast. The discipline that characterizes the true military makes him fit to instruct others, to form consciousness, not to make men-machines. It is possible that even by reaching the perfect ideal of the World Ecologenic Society, the military is no longer needed. But they will not be like today, mere unconscious pieces of political chess that sends them to kill or die outside their countries, by indirect mandate of mining or oil multinationals and others that serve sinarchy.
The “secret” vote is a minor political aberration but equally implies a fatuity of compromise and has been given to all kinds of traps, euphemistically called “electoral fraud”. While in most partycracies it doesn’t matter who wins because candidates are already bought by those who finance their advertising campaigns (euphemistically “electoral”), so and there are all calls for power. Sometimes executed by the same parties, sometimes – when a candidate seems not to respond to “interests” – by computer maneuvers, infiltration agents on electoral boards, etc. Who cares that the vote is secret, if everyone knows which party each one responds to? Don’t thousands of people gather at political rallies, in front of cameras and microphones? Aren’t supporters shouting their affiliation or trend loudly? What are you afraid of when you cast a ballot? Sometimes they are killing the fans when they find themselves sticking posters, but violent acts would not take place in local votes by one person or another, if there were no “parties”. No campaign will be needed, as we will see later… On the other hand, it is amazing as after some elections, the popular consultations and statistics of journalists are quite a surprise because no one seems to have voted for the winner or has done so by a minority. Awareness of problems or obvious fraud? There is no way to know, there is no way to legally prosecute a person who is a crime-sized culprit against the popular will and – at best – it is necessary to double the cost of time and resources in a new election. And what guarantee is there that fraud won’t happen again? There are as many ways to cheat elections, as magicians on stage, even if there are “international visitors,” are done in sealed boxes or by computer means. The latter is the easiest system to “hack”.
Tactics as old as polarization, but which added to it gives magnificent results among the mass, mobilizing its lowest passions and emotions. For the most “spiritual”, thousands of news “new age”, a myriad of increasingly obscene shows, false information about all kinds of things so that no one can realize the really important problems, discussions about good aliens that will come to save us or other bad guys who come to invade, prophecies for all tastes… Disengage the Reader, for “brothers from another planet”, christ or other messiah will come to save an indolent, lazy and inert humanity, whose aberrations are evident every day in the news. No one will do our duties for us.
Just watch a few minutes of TV analytically to see how polarization and confusion work at all levels. If you look at sports pornography, you can see two opposite “energies” form not on players anymore, but a couple of clouds with opposite loads (to describe it in some way) between the two crowds of spectators. That psychic energy often ends in street fights and murders in such magnitude and quantity that police in many “democratic” countries are forbidden to report to the press, and all “for the sake of sport.” If the Reader usually sees the news, there is no need to tell him more about the effect of polarization within that other political aberration that is the legislative power apparently separated from the judiciary…
For every decent journalist and/or researcher of mysteries, there are five charlatans, especially those who call thee defenders of “critical thinking”, who work – consciously or not – to maintain academic dogmas and generate constant discussions. In addition to maintaining the obscurantism that the slaver needs to medrate, it serves to distract the mass from true and contractual problems.
Entertainment is more than assured in almost everyone with sports pornography that not only entertains, but also polarizes, divides to such an extent that in some countries in social and personal dissatisfaction, the crowd spends its energy on pre- and post-match euphoria and depressions. The ability to think, analyze and logically reason on somewhat abstract topics such as politics, is reduced in brains subjected to the emotional stress that causes fanaticism.
These two techniques are applied constantly and in combination. The most modern example is the fall of the twin Towers on 11S, with its owner Larry Silverstein securing “counter accidents” the buildings two weeks earlier for two billion dollars. With false attacks began the Vietnam War, and with false flag attacks began two World Wars of the s. XX and before the war against Spain and there are too many to extend here. Terrorism is induced by people by the treacherous state when it has to undress to pass through an airport, following U.S. directives in “security policy” when there are fed-ups of demonstrations that it was a false flag attack. Of course you won’t see that in the mass misinformation media, which are most of them.
It is a pity that police and airport agents do not realize the absurd role they play in this great farce and become complicit in it. A terrorist doesn’t need any weapons to produce an air disaster from inside the plane. Hate and fears in people’s psychology are one more way to poison them.
Political anarchy is another aberration created by rebels with good intentions, but ignorant of human psychology and the manipulations to which it is subjected. Also by the same metapolitics of international finances they promote it, because even if “no one commands”, the money continues to send. Even if it was preferable to slavery, it is a total utopia. Philosophical anarchy is practiced by the most sensible and disillusioned people, who do not need anyone to tell them what to do and do not participate in the world farce. But that doesn’t exempt them from complying with most of the laws, or “doing whatever I want.”
Politically and dialectically it is a paradox, as it is the form of government without a government. From the Greek “an) “no” or “sin”, and the root of the verb “arkho”, i.e. “boss”. The first time the word “anarchy” appears in known history is in Eleusis’s Aeschylo “The Seven Against Thebes” in 467 BC.
But although Aeschylus may be considered the father of the Greek tragedy, his work did not leave an imprint on the philosophical and its political impact is in doubt. To understand anarchy from that time to the present day we need to appreciate a wide spectrum of environmental differences, socio-political evolution, economics and demographics. In their day, oppressive governments had only a few thousand citizens and a few hundred very firmly trained minions, as well as a media based only on the rumor, since only a small percentage of the population knew how to read and write. However, the ideal derived from that work could never be realized, which does not even propose a way of life without government, but the overthrow of the existing one. Faster communication was the messenger on horseback and although this computer situation existed until the mid-19th century, anarchy could never be put into practice or in the smallest Aboriginal tribes on all continents.
In the anarchic ideal it is assumed that all individuals know what it has to do and that they are responsible for their actions, but that when that is not the case, society reacts locally and can generate the necessary and immediate defenses. Anarchists are historically divided into two groups: politicians and philosophical ones, but matching the criteria and intentions of each other is something that no one has achieved so far. However, the anarchist movement has had some influence – and continues to have it – in society. That’s why we’re going to sort out the aspects of each trend.
Essentially it is about leaving the community, tribe or country, without any government, spreading for this purpose very varied slogans, pretexts, etc., until some phrases are cut or intentionally manipulated as “Every citizen knows what he wants”, “We can govern ourselves”, “Power corrupts”, “Peoples want to live in Freedom”, etc.. But none of these slogans can be made real without an organization and without a high degree of awareness and discipline of the mass involved. Still, the psychology of humanity in Natural Policy has only two well-defined classes: Leaders and Followers. Even leaders are divided into superior, intermediate, and lower, and superiors realize that in addition to guiding leaders with clear guidelines, they must emotionally motivate leaders on a lower hierarchical level. Without that guidance and motivation, they will not be able to do their guiding work on the followers.
Active political anarchists – with rare exceptions like Gerrad Winstanley, despite their many inconsistencies – have been and are mere subversive activists, people who without proposing alternative government have fought the regime of the moment, pretending that every citizen has a minimum of IQ that allows him to govern himself and – most utopianly – that every person “wants” to govern himself , decide for itself, stick to its own criteria for living, educating, working, administering, etc.. The list of characters more or less identified with anarchism does not go beyond five hundred worldwide. And none of them have achieved anything really valuable socially and politically.
The current “outraged” movements go the same way, no matter how much they have peaceful mobilization as a fundamental guideline. They would only make effective their mobilizing capacity by establishing a different form of government, as proposed in “Assembly Constitution”. Will they believe that politicians – even the lesser lackeys of sinarchy – did not foresee these reactions?
From the fall of the Roman Empire to now, most revolutions have been guided by groups with well-defined intentions, unknown to the manipulated mass, but on many occasions they have used the pretext of the anarchic ideal to overthrow governments, leaving them in chaos, which is the only thing that produces in practice anarchy, then subjecting the acephalic countries to the interests of groups that have always managed true politics through money. Even the anarchic ideal has been attempted to mix in republican revolutions, producing painful confusion in the populations thus manipulated. That is why the establishment of an Environmental government must be based on a deep and clear knowledge of politics in all areas, by the leaders, as well as an acceptable general knowledge of the main concepts of Ecologenia, by the mass of citizens. Pseudo-anarchist agitators have always been at the service of political manipulators and work for the hidden economic dictatorship. The eye more or less trained in anthropological and social affairs can be observed and differentiated between protesters who – for example – mobilize whenever there is a G8 meeting (The eight most industrialized countries in the world: Canada, Germany, USA, France, Japan, England and Russia), or in other anti-globalization demonstrations. While most of the demands demanded are absolutely fair, many of these actions are not really popular, but provoked and led by pseudo-archists to entertain the masses using visible politicians as bait. In these manifestations, very careful controls are made, the actions of certain individuals are pressed as focal analysis, filming and methodical records are made and popular reactions are polled not only in the square of manifestation but also to detect the channels through which anything is then disseminated. This has signed journalists, Facebook users and all social networks. Of course, keeping quiet for fear of some retaliation is the worst thing we could do, because victory would be given to the slavery from now on,
Very rarely do these announced meetings have a real purpose of reaching some kind of agreement, because what defines political actions – especially at the international level – is not the ecological criteria or the interests of the average citizen, but the interests of economic corporations. The United States Congress is perhaps the clearest sign that financial interests are actually those that actually command and meetings between politicians and financiers, although they are public knowledge and the “anti-corruption laws” are very complex and absurd in that country, talks are not made public. Then in Congress what is done is to vote for the interests it represents, so that in reality the interest of the citizenry is a utopia. No wonder, then, that the anarchist movement in the U.S. has a more philosophical character, as many citizens would be delighted with any other form of government or even misrule, understanding the corruptness of the system in which they live.
But with no interests more powerful than those of the system, pseudo-archists are only “necessary” when a President who does not abide by the orders of bankers must be assassinated. Meanwhile, any anarchic current is fought with means ranging from subtle campaigns of mental manipulation (films, conspiracies of terrorism to blame external agents, etc.), to the sheer and harsh repression of any pro anarchy manifestation.
In Europe things are the same at heart, but they work differently, since peoples still have a certain capacity for reaction and we are looking above all to maintain a good standard of living, with low poverty, achieving a general conformism that takes into the cover of the shortcomings of the political-economic system and other problems that will manifest the longer term (just a few more years) , caused by uncontrolled immigration, the sick sexualization of children, the growing power of psychopathic minorities, etc.
From a strictly dialectical and logical point of view, anarchy is an unrealizable utopia (it is not a redundancy, because most utopias have any possibility and throughout history have been realized most), but anarchy as a way of life is something that has never been achieved and will not be possible as long as each individual is self-aware and different from others.
There is an interesting paradox in the attempts to conceive an anarchic world and is that getting each individual to think for himself, govern himself, administer and control himself, would involve reaching a social behavior similar to that of ants or bees, where each performs a function in an inexorable and perfect way , without contradiction to any other function of any other individual. But it happens that ants and bees have their queens, they have their government, even if society moves by orders established in individual and collective genetic programming. No animal society – or bacteria – has existed without government, so the closer we get to the natural, the less we can believe in the possibility of an anarchic society, unless we reach a “collective awareness” where – without losing individuality – we can function in full harmony. This could only be achieved by the massive development of telepathy and at an almost absolute level.
As long as that doesn’t happen, we could at least live in a true democracy, which is the way of life where an environmentalist government becomes possible
There are very good people, with high ideals who are led by political ignorance, sometimes very directly sponsored by infiltration of agents in charge of the perversion of ideologies, end up proposing completely ridiculous things, such as the unification of all humanity in the aspects where it should not and cannot be unified, unless it is done under the chains of slavery. The aberrated parts of this idea are:
(a) “One Race, The Human”, As if it were possible to erase from a feather the cultural, biological and idiosyncrasy differences of races and nations. Only slavery could do it and in fact it is achieving it in many countries, thus losing each nation and every race the values that are its own and ancestral, to fall into the ridiculousness of a single fashion, of a single “modus vivendi” that is called consumerism, extreme individual control, mortgage, commercial idiocy…
(b) “Single country”: The same considerations can be made for the previous item. The same ones who promote unity under the principles of capitalism and the market, are those who finance and control national divisions through their private intelligence services. A good example is Spain, a country that has sought to divide and destroy germany, because of having cultural, social and archetypal values that are very inconvenient to the globalizing objectives of the market.
c) “One culture”: And do we throw away all the folklores, singing, dancing, parties and customs – picturesque or didactic – of all the peoples, to sit in front of the TV to have cocacola and watch football and whatever they want to make us see and believe?
d) “One Religion”: What religion? All human beings are subjected to what the great Dalí represented in an impressive painting: “The Apotheosis of the Dollar”. Of all the socio-political proposals, wherever they come from, it’s the most ridiculous to be impossible.
True, New Humanity will have to unify and it is urgent to do so, but not under those absurd, impossible and ultimately fatal premises. The logical concept of Unification goes through a process that in Part Two we set out in detail, but in general the world can and should only be unified into:
(e) “One Government”. This is very easy if it is accepted to be done according to the current plan in place of genocidal slavers. It is sufficient for everyone to remain in indolence and the belief that “nothing can be done” and continue to deliver votes to current politics. The other alternative is to stop collaborating with the system and start thinking with determination to launch The Ecology locally. Then we can create a single Government in the far future, but from and for a Humanity united in consciousness, happiness, true freedom and harmony with the Universe and the Natural Laws, of an evolutionary type. It won’t be an easy task, but it won’t be a utopia either. Nor will it be a “government” in every way, but a World Council, such as the UN but with real value, not that parody of world government handled by economic interests.
It can be achieved if that small percentage of innovators, intelligent people who have always stood out for their creativity, genius in some cases and high ideals, manages to agree and leave all their personalisms and selfishness, laziness and psychological problems, to join a cause of which we give here the general guidelines. We are aware that that ideal will not be achieved overnight, but this humanity does not have much time either. The loss of values and ecological disasters that economic tyranny promotes and produces leaves almost no room for us.
Moreover, the existence of a “single world government” or rather a World Council, would not mean that each nation will lose its identity and independence, because that would mean breaking with all the values that each nation has, with the unfortunate consequent cultural loss. What is really a disgrace is that the peoples are gradually losing their identity. That cannot and should not be the case, as it cannot and should not be the case at the individual level. Even if the slave synarchy achieves its goal, even if the world’s population is largely massacred, even if it is mentally diminished and controlled to the extreme with nanochips, there will always be pockets of resistance, the spirit of freedom will always appear somewhere and it will end the control system, however refined.
But if Ecology succeeds, the consciousness of individuals must reach maximums, free itself from psychological taras and false political beliefs called “ideologies”, false religions and false theories in all humanist disciplines, before seeking to achieve global unification. In the meantime, the process can and should begin at the Nations level. It is essential that adults, young people and even children recover in their knowledge, the concept of La Patria, without which the people remain only as a slave to banking corporations. In the future whose distance will be determined by the reaction of the crowds right now, a truly human government will be possible; but it can never be done as the market tries, at the expense of individual freedoms, terror, wars, pests made to sell its medicines and genocide as a way of controlling demographics.
f) “One economy”. Of course, that is possible even long before you have a world government, slavery or not. In fact that already exists and we are subject to it… The challenge is to make a world economy that is supportive, altruistic, liberating, not money, just, and at all “liberal” as before, where the only “freedom” gives it to the cunning slavery, the speculator and the usurper who lives off the work of others.
g) “Single language”. It is less utopian and there is one: Esperanto, but its dissemination by simple collective education will be made possible under national ecological governments. English can still be agreed, as is the case today and seems to work well in the international relations of governments and individuals, but in no way should it be a replacement for established national languages. It is essential that all humanity has a common language that allows fluid communication between all beings, but it is also essential that each country retain its language. The loss of languages and dialects that give their own identity to the various communities of the same nation should not even be allowed. On the other hand, there are millions of historical documents of enormous cultural value that can only be exploited by New Humanity if the languages are preserved.
In this regard, it can be said that false nationalisms are another aberration. The Spanish example is not unique, but it is the most didactic for the case. If the independenceists of the various communities are given the “independence” that fanatical groups – ideologically manipulated – would not only be those communities culturally and socially isolated from the rest of the Nation that is Spain, but would be more quickly subject to the economic interests of the financial market, which it least wants to preserve cultural values , folk folklores and idiosyncrasies. That is to say that while the slaver seeks to divide to reign in the social and cultural, he seeks to unify under financial guidelines and militarization, without taking into account the cultural values of each country. Those who wish to learn more about this double action can refer to the Maastricht Treaty, on which the European Union is based.
One of the most aberrant concepts of politics of the last two centuries is – apart from a blatant lie – that democracy is a form of government. In reality, it is a way of life, with sociological, philosophical, spiritual and anthropological nuances, but it cannot be a form of government. A good form of government could be very varied, but whatever, it would be a derivative of the democratic way of life.
Let’s understand the understandable even for the less insightful. Do politicians have more power than bankers, does he have anyone, more power in this system than the owners of money? Politicians obey those who finance their campaigns, the people have two or three figures to vote for, but does it really know them?, Can anyone deny that they are just exceptions, those politicians who keep their election promises?: A cult people vote an idea, vote to those who seem to have them clearer, but in global statistics, political promises are chatter and to top it off , the few promises consistent with reality are forgotten as soon as power is attained. The announced political plans are subjective and without any proposal for substantive changes, only forms change: 1) More credits, 2) more laws, 3) plus “social justice”, 4) more work, 5) less crime. Only the first two promises are fulfilled. More credits instead of more money in your pockets and more laws to complicate our lives. “Social justice” is often justified by vagrancy and no social education. The “more work” is only for legislators and the “less crime”, check the Reader in statistics and news…
No politician – except a few demonized – speaks of Love; no one talks about changing the rules of the game in favor of the abolition of usury, and financial speculation. How could they if they’re funded by usurers? No one proposes model changes. No one has taught the people political science, except those demonized few. When an individual who has real knowledge of politics arises, he is automatically marked with the word “dictator” and his government, as much as it is based on a huge majority of votes, is renamed “regime”. The press, art, literature and school curricula have been used to generate the aberrant idea that dictatorship equals tyranny and that it is in itself a bad thing. However, dictators throughout known history have had better economic, social, educational, etc. results than such much-vasacked democracies. Those of us who have had the opportunity to live under dictatorships as mere citizens and impartial observers have been able to verify that even the dictatorship exercised by someone who has no great political skill, generates more social justice, bureaucratic efficiency, speed in justice, less or no work stoppage, little or no external debt and a degree of political coherence impossible to achieve in “partycracies”.
Just watch the news and think a little: Isn’t the partycracy an absurd game where the opposition party, which was not elected, practices a constant sedition against the elected ruler? The political caste, even with ideas completely contrary (in theory) to what the majority has chosen, thus ensures their “work” and will be said that minorities are represented in this way. Do these minorities need to be represented to hinder coherent government action? Only in theory do both parties – or all of them – desire the common good, that is to say the same benefits for the whole people. Can this be achieved by implementing what the government has to do and at the same time what the opposition wants, when the proposals are entirely opposite or at least incompatible? Who wins when right and left hold instead of dialogue, constant fights over irreconcilable interests? For only hypocritical charlatans win on one side and the other, for they will finally do things at the convenience of their constituents, the real finance politicians. When a ruler does not fall into these traps and decides to give coherence to the act of government, he is called a “dictator”, even if the majority is well received by the people fed up with inconsistencies or even elected with all the legality of the votes.
It is true that there have been exceptional dictators who have come by force or deception, merchants of homelands, put by the same long-standing usurers to overthrow an honest but weak government. Yet these false dictators have not been as much or as bragged as the “democratic ones,” who have sold almost everything to multinationals, and when they haven’t fully done it (because they’re under supposedly socialist slogans), they’ve left the real power to bankers. Anyone can check these claims by simply analyzing the news from a global and impartial perspective, or by investigating the economic history, judicial statistics and social outcomes of countries, to assess the differences.
So the fundamental resource of sinarchy to give dictatorships the character of demonic, is the supposed slaughter that the dictator has made to come to power. In many cases, not to mention the majority in history, the killings were underway on market issues, by religions or ideological polarizations, forcing the dictator to play the card to take power and impose order in chaos and end internal warfare. That the dictator then perpetuates himself in power, instead of educating the people in true democracy, is another matter. And there was the failure. Now let’s see what happens when a dictator does not educate the people in political science and by death, tiredness or pressure, comes so-called democracy.
As we have said before, and we will say many times, democracy is a way of life, not a form of government. When we talk about the “rule of law”, there is supposed to be an efficient justice system and that for this to be a reality, it is presumed that there must be a need for division between powers. Then there is a president or prime minister whose campaign has been financed by usury interests, which are – without exception – of the most spurius, unethical, lacking in solidarity and interest in the common good. Most companies are created with a philosophy, with the ideal of someone who wants to give something that he has created, an invention, an idea, a service, etc., but banks are not created for that purpose, but to manage and make money. And to such an extent comes the heartlessness of the bank as an institution in most of the world (we do not mean employees, cashiers, mere citizens who are not to blame for almost everything we are exposing), that there are not even bathrooms for customers. A cafeteria without bathrooms in conditions, does not last a day because the municipality closes it. Banks argue “security reasons.” Do you have money for formidable advertising campaigns and there isn’t for a bathroom away from the boxes, even if the customer has to ask for the key? For that “spirit” is the one that governs over the governments we supposedly choose. What about democracy…?
On the other hand, we have a legislative power, which is dedicated to creating laws. Instead of a dictator, there is an army of “small dictators” who have to spend – just like executive power – half of their energy, time and resources, to get to and stay in their posts, dealing each day with their peers from other parties (another factor to see in the “polarization” section). Do you need a people who are imposing new laws on it every day? The legal premises say that ignorance of the Act does not exempt from its compliance or the consequences of its violation. This would be fair if the laws were not changing and new laws were adding. But it is an injustice, when not even the most skilled lawyer is able to know all the laws instantly, nor can he know at the moment what laws to apply, other than that they may have countless interpretations.
Then we have judges who must decide on the basis of the Law. This forces such officials to constantly update themselves with respect to new laws, apart from the corruption and contradiction of laws, aberrated education, the stimulation of greed and the low passions of citizens, forces them to attend more and more criminal cases of all kinds, creating a situation that makes them the most exhausted officials , labor-pressure and ultimately incapable of resisting the pressures to which they are always exposed. We have to ask these people for justice when there are problems, but their criteria and wisdom often clash with the absurdity of the laws to which they must abide. So, if we have Judges, why do we want more laws than we do? If we have to be in constant reform of the Law it is because something is failing in the substance, in the philosophy of government, in the bowels of the system or rather, in its entire structure.
If the laws created by legislators are to be strictly abided by, there would be no need for judges. Today more than ever, a well-programmed computer is enough, which could deliver a quick sentence… Better to leave that there, because the worst thing is that it’s already thought of by the New World Order. Is there no experience as “humanity” and as a “civilization” to make a body of simple laws and abide by them? It would be enough to give the Judges the power to enforce them and trusting in their wisdom, they would apply their criteria with the necessary flexibility to each case, without the processes taking years. But that’s what we’ll talk about in another chapter.
We will try to illustrate something more about misunderstood democracy, with simple and clear examples: Imagine that your brain is a “dictator” who without complaints or discussion of any organ, limb or cell of his body, orders what each must do and at the same time lets the automatic functions be regulated by the body itself. But his body becomes “democratic.” Your right hand wants to command and impose your criteria. His left hand, supposedly entitled to vote, the right to reply and the right to democratic participation, has to reach an agreement with his right hand for any activity. Both hands want to be chosen to do things, each in its own way… how long would it take to comb their hair?
We have a specialized policeman in white uniforms who barely enters an intruder to hurt, go and eliminate him. That “fascist” body is relentless, does not let in or fights hard any dangerous intruder. That elite body is called the immune system. But a part of it does “democratic,” and decides that other cells of the body must die or do things differently, because somewhere the laws were changed; or they solve that you have to make a lot of queries, ask or ask permission, analyze if you would not be violating some code and then be punished… Either the marrow becomes “democratic” and instead of obeying the brain’s central will, it starts making huge numbers of useless officials. That’s called leukemia. Instead of sending the brain, other parts of the body work outside the central directives. Imagine any organism of Nature, plant, animal or human, trying to survive while changing the laws (behavioral guidelines, directives, etc.) at every moment…
Even if we say that Man creates civilizations and is a political animal and how many pretexts are absurdized, Humanity should not function outside of logic, of the Natural Laws and can never evolve favorably if he believes otherwise, as no body can remain healthy if he lives in drugs, no matter how strong the subject thinks he is. We do not and will never be able to have such a domain of the Natural Laws that we can avoid them. However we can know them, use them, but never “go against” those Laws that govern the workings of the entire Universe. Any individual of any degree of evolution that violates the Natural Laws does not inhibit them, does not mock them; it only marches against the universe and will fall inexorably into the involution, with all its aftermath of suffering. Unlike so-called democracies, the Universe does not modify its Laws, for they are Eternal, inexorable, unchanging, immutable, simultaneous and contemporaneous with all times and places. They’re always the same. God (the Universal Creator, the Great Architect, Allha, or what we want to call him), does not have a “Heavenly Parliament” that makes laws. And these are considerably few, given that the Eternal Existence of the Universe depends on them, even if there are creatures that run over genetics and make all kinds of nuclear disasters. On these Natural Laws is already revealed the main table or Maximum Table, from which all the natural laws known academically are derived. That material is in “The Eight Kybalsions” and is no longer a mystery, even though few people have known.
If Humanity were to abid by them, it would have no need to create new laws; it would simply adapt a few laws, their human condition and their relationship to the environment, to that small set of Eternal and inexorable Natural Principles and Laws.
This modern civilization is violating by accepting the “market system”, the Solidarity Act, which is a law of ecology. Market medicine violates the Mentalism Act, when it promotes false fears and illnesses, with false diagnoses and deadly therapies like radio and chemotherapy to make money, to sell a pharmacopoeeeic that not only serves more than ninety percent, but more than half of the drugs are lethal, like most vaccines , as denounced today by the most prestigious scientists (none that are on TV, of course).
Doctors who practice market medicine in the same spirit of bankers, consciously or not, are violating the Awareness Act, as are any criminal, even if it has a title that in many cases is a license to kill. AIDS exists, but there is no virus, cancer exists, but it has real remedy in cheap therapies and above all, in Junguiana and/or Dianetic psychotherapy, as we will see later, in Dr. Hamer’s Germanic Medicine. But these diseases fill too many coffers to wipe them out. The medicine on the market lives on disease, not health. Instead of curing, at best it lengthens agonies. That’s why we have a great scientific breakthrough, but people live full of diseases.
The Evolution Act is being violated when genetics is played and GMOs are produced so that the farmer is left a slave to the seed producer. The Law of Purpose is violated, when for the sake of material gain the mind of the mass is enslaved by making it “money dependent”, making it forget to its reason of existence, its true needs and its true essence as a person, turning it into “consumer”, into “customer”, into “buyer”, before any other sign.
Tuning a little spiritually or philosophically: if you spend half your life time and half your emotionality in economic problems, how you will pay the mortgage, how you will handle all those things so alien to Nature, so out of situations for which your genetics are prepared, your marriage will be a disaster, your life will be hell and you will end up with cancer or any other disease , because the bank sends even about its most intimate vital functions.
It can be said that a healthy body is a “democratic” body, because – as we have said – democracy is a way of life, it implies harmony, relative equality before the Laws (a mad person is not judged the same as someone who is supposed to be normal). However, a human body, or any living body, or any social group of any species, works well only when there is ONE central intelligence, A leader above all others. A country where everyone believes that each and every one has some decision-making power over politics, over the integral functions of the organism (individual or collective), is like a body whose cells have been dismantled and each does what they want, no matter what the rest does, because it assumes that it lives in democracy and can do whatever it wants. That’s called cancer… There is an aberrant idea of what “freedom” is, it is confused with debauchery. True Freedom is a state of Being, the most precious value, but it is based on two pillars that are Loyalty and Dignity. Human Loyalty in its fullest sense is respect, love, and intent to serve every creature in the Universe, even if it has to kill one to protect the rest. Whoever has that Loyalty doesn’t hesitate to kill a spider if he should, but he’s really sorry. Thank a plant, without falling into mysticism, when it should cut it. Live in harmony with all Nature. Dignity is the point of conscience that tells him that nothing and no one is “superior” in essence of Being, therefore no one has the right to enslave, humiliate, or deceive Him.
While Man differs from animals and forms a natural kingdom superior to all of them, it is not exempt from many of the faults it observes in ethology or which it regards as “beastly” things. So at the group level, even if it has fallen into the current barbarity, it has much more to give of itself than any animal species, especially if we agree with Aristotle (about which Man is a political animal). But that doesn’t mean anyone can decide politically. In a true democracy even children should know more about politics than today are called “politicians,” but in that real democracy there would be “odes” talking about politics on television, but true politicians would.
Just as we never put a sweeper to “have an opinion” on how a bridge should be made, nor would an engineer ask him how to treat a demented man, nor would we ask a doctor how a computer is made or how to make the hospital floors shine, the idea that everyone can make political decisions is extremely absurd. Everyone can’t even choose whoever represents him politically in a higher stratum than the local. Can the vote of an individual with an IQ of 150 have the same value as a person with less than 100? If you thought yes, which is fair, then let’s apply the same criterion when making the building where you live Do we ask all future neighbors how to make the building? Let’s apply that criterion in a hospital when you or a child of yours is dying. We asked the nurses, because they know a lot, we asked forty doctors of all specialties and since we are the pharmacist, the anaesthetist, the administrative…
The person who has to direct the destiny of a country, or even that of a tribe, has a responsibility for everyone to live healthy, that everyone has excellent food, that they have an education that allows them to evolve into transcendence and not be suffering imploring before an image, nor crying for eternal vengeance on a wall of lament. The leader of a world, a country or a tribe cannot be a liar, an egomania0, a hypocrite, an incompetent, a charlatan who promises what he will not deliver, who does not give any back-to-back answers to problems. There should not even be “problems” if the leader is a true politician, except those caused by natural disasters (now more than ever, predictable), for which he must have effective preventive plans. What kind of democracy is one where almost all of the so-called “politicians” have all these shortcomings mentioned above?
And the worst thing is that there is no such “leader”, it exists only in the visible of most countries, a major puppet, ruled hidden by usurers. And behind it is a “party”, full of parasites, of lawmakers with which they largely submit and inhibit the innate and vocational wisdom of the only ethically valid state: the judiciary. And even that is corrupted in many countries, at least in their major stages. In a truly democratic community, the only positions that must be by direct choice are the Judges, because they are the ones who will decide what is best for others and because they can arise from the will of their neighbors, who know them and with whom they live. Later the Reader will understand the role of the judiciary in a true democracy.
Politics is a science and unfortunately it is as distorted as history, anthropology, archaeology and almost all the others, submissive to market policy, which being the only real one in the system’s moneycracy, shows us the following example:
Companies operate with a single head, even if (in the case of public limited companies) there are thousands of shareholders. The company manager is not “chosen” by these shareholders, but is held by the founder or heir with a majority of the share capital. Or because apart from being one of the majority shareholders, it has proven to be very efficient (shrewd, insightful, insensitive, ambitious) to a small shareholders’ committee, which functions as a kind of judiciary. There is no “Legislative Power” between the director or chairman and the shareholder mass. Such a political scourge would inhibit the president, the Board of Directors and drive employees of all sections crazy. Everyone should spend most of the time to get to know the new laws that this group enacted, changing the ways of working, rather than technically improving production. Which company could stick with this structure, why doesn’t any company have that “democratic body”?
Although the history they have told us puerilely says that it originated in Greece, there have been countless authentic democracies throughout history for many millennia; but as we have said and will repeat until the public fully understands it, democracy is not a form of government, but a way of life. Democracy is exercised only when the people have a degree of collective solidarity consciousness and each individual a high degree of autonomous consciousness. Democracies have been in force during the rule of great kings, pharaohs, emperors and even “dictators”, without these titles having been an obstacle to democratic exercise.
One of the most contradictory criteria of “democratic” States is that the people are made to assume that they have the maturity to elect their representatives, but have no maturity to possess weapons. So the state (yes, that treacherous or inept state, indebted to bankers), has almost all the weapons. He needs armies supposedly to defend himself and hires mercenaries, people who for money will kill or die where they send him, but he also hires a lot of foreign mercenaries for what? Well, so he doesn’t protest if the “politician” sends him to murder his own people. The most powerful send troops to other countries for “humanitarian reasons” that almost always cover up mere economic interests. Troops are sent to protect their own businessmen, in a framework of international background corruption that costs countless victims.
A truly democratic government does not need to maintain permanent armies, except for a few military instructors; turns every citizen into a soldier, armed and prepared to defend his country, his family and his government. A truly democratic government fears no rebellions of the people, but has its unconditional support, because it shows true wisdom, dedication and altruism from its greatest responsible to the last official. So that is a sign that the body called country, nation or people, lives in democracy, because if its ruler did not fulfill that authentic priesthood that involves being a true leader, nothing would cost the people to cast him out and put a better one into office. Next page.
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